CINV Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2017

The Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de Valparaíso (CINV,, at the Universidad de Valparaiso in Valparaiso, Chile, invites young postdoctoral researchers to apply for a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the CINV. The purpose of this program is to support outstanding and highly motivated PhD graduates from any country who wish to initiate or continue a scientific project in one of CINV’s labs, which are:
- Structure and Function of Molecular Sensors:
- Cellular Signaling:
- Genetics and Development of the Nervous System:
- Systems and Circuit Neuroscience:
- Molecular Simulation and Computational Biology:
For more details, please visit our webpage and contact CINV scientists in your area of interest:
The successful candidate will receive a one-year fellowship. A second year of funding will be subject to competitive renewal. Granted CINV fellows are expected to apply in May 2017 for external funding [e.g. FONDECYT] to support their following years at CINV.
The monthly salary will be 1.5 million Chilean pesos, equivalent to ~2250 USD at present. A formal agreement between CINV and the awardee will establish the legal conditions of this scholarship.
I. PhD or equivalent obtained within five years prior to March 1st, 2017.
II. The following documents to be included in the application:
- Research statement
- CV, including principal publications and activities (Max. 3 pages)
- Research proposal (Max. 3 pages), including:
- a) Summary (1 page)
- b) Methods and Analysis
- c) Gantt chart, indicating specific objectives to be fulfilled
- d) Expected results and projections
- Two letters of recommendation, including one from the PhD tutor.
- A letter of commitment from the CINV researcher at whose laboratory the project will be carried out (
Antecedents, letters of recommendation and commitment should be electronically sent to before the 10th of January, 2017. Applicants unable to deliver with all the required documentation should provide a clarifying statement. No documents will be received after this deadline.
A review panel of CINV researchers will communicate the results of this competition by January 16, 2017. The panel reserves the right to declare the competition void if none of the applicants are deemed suitable.