Description: The Department of Zoology at Universidad de Concepción, Chile, invites applications for two tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant Professor level to strengthen the areas of Systematics and Biodiversity. Both positions are available starting August 1st, 2015. The ideal candidate for the first position has broad expertise in Ecophysiology, Comparative Physiology and related disciplines. The ideal candidate for the second position has broad expertise on Marine Invertebrates. We welcome applications from candidates employing integrative approaches that address relevant scientific questions across multiple disciplines, such as taxonomy, systematics, ecology, genetics, evolution, conservation and biogeography.
Qualifications: Ph.D. degree in biology or related field, postdoctoral experience and a record of academic accomplishments. These may include, but are not limited to, research experience demonstrable through publications and grants; undergraduate and postgraduate courses implemented in his/her area of expertise; and participation in international conferences. Fluency in Spanish language is an advantage.
Responsabilities: Develop an integrative research program in Ecophysiology or Marine Invertebrates, while securing funding for basic or applied science from government and other agencies; teach a course in his/her area of expertise and be committed to both undergraduate and graduate education; and mentor graduate and undergraduate students. Interactions with other research groups within and outside the Department are encouraged.
Applications: interested candidates should send (1) a cover letter specifying which academic position he/she is applying to (Ecophysiology: ZOO-01; Marine Invertebrates: ZOO-02), (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) statement of research interests and plans, and (4) two recommendation letters sent in separate covers to: Universidad de Concepción, Dirección de Personal, Casilla 160-C, Correo 3, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile. Alternatively, a single PDF file with all the documentation required can be sent to Informal enquiries can also be made to this email address. Deadline for applications is May 16th, 2015. Additional information about the Department of Zoology and about Universidad de Concepcion can be found on the website: