Puerto Varas – Hedgehog Conference. Mechanisms of Hedgehog Signalling in Development, Tissue repair and Cancer

Mechanisms of Hedgehog Signalling in Development, Tissue repair and Cancer
October 21 – 25, 2015
Registrations: http://www.cgrcongress.cl/register_pv.php
Verónica Palma (vpalma@uchile.cl), Fondap Center for Genome Regulation, University of Chile, Chile
Ariel Ruiz i Altaba (Ariel.RuizAltaba@unige.ch)
Assistant Staff
Karen Meyer B. , Communication Area, Phone: 02 297 846 56
Carolina Oyaneder L. , Administration Secretary, Phone: 02 297 845 27
Center of Genome Regulation
Avenida Blanco Encalada 2085, Piso 3
Santiago, Chile
Avenida Blanco Encalada 2085, Piso 3
Santiago, Chile