Pew Latin American Fellows- call for 2018 applications

The Pew Latin American Fellows Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides support for young scientists from Latin America to receive postdoctoral training in leading laboratories in the United States. The program gives fellows an opportunity to further their scientific knowledge and advance biomedical research in Latin America, while promoting exchange and collaboration among investigators in the United States and Latin America.
Details of the award
- Ten Pew Latin American fellows will be selected in 2018.
- Pew will provide a grant of $60,000 to the sponsoring U.S. institution to supplement the fellow’s postdoctoral salary.
- After completion of the fellowship, and upon confirmation of the fellow’s plans to return to Latin America, an additional payment of $35,000 will be made to the sponsoring institution for the purchase of supplies and equipment to establish the fellow’s independent laboratory in Latin America.
- Fellowship grants will begin in August 2018.
- Applicants must have been awarded a Ph.D. or M.D. degree by Feb. 1, 2018, but no earlier than July 14, 2013.
- Preference will be given to applicants who received their undergraduate and graduate degrees from institutions in Latin America. Applicants may have obtained their undergraduate or graduate degrees from schools outside Latin America but preferably not in the United States.
- Applicants with more than 18 months of postdoctoral training in the United States before July 14, 2018, are not eligible. • Applicants must submit a written statement of intent to return to Latin America.
- Applicants will not be considered if they have completed graduate work with a proposed sponsor.
To apply
- The online application opens July 14, 2017.
- Potential candidates must identify and obtain a commitment from the head of a laboratory in the United States for a postdoctoral position. All applicants are required to contact a member of their regional committee before contacting the Pew fellows program office.
- Once sponsors are identified, applicants must send an email to Kara Coleman, project director, at to request access to the online application on or after July 14, 2017.
- The application deadline is Oct. 2, 2017.