EMBO Global Investigator Network – Call for applications 2019 open!

About EMBO
EMBO is an organisation of more than 1800 leading researchers that promotes excellence in the life sciences in Europe and beyond. The major goals of the organisation are to support talented researchers at all stages of their careers, stimulate the exchange of scientific information, and help build a research environment where scientists can achieve their best work.
About the EMBO Global Investigator Network
The Global Investigator Programme was launched in 2019 to forge a network that supports the next generation of scientific leaders that have started their laboratories in India, Singapore, Chile or Taiwan. The Programme provides the selected scientists with funding and platforms for networking with other life scientists in the same region and those in Europe, encouraging the establishment of cooperation across international borders.
What does it take to apply to join the EMBO Global Investigator Network?
Applicants must:
• Have been group leaders of a laboratory for at least one year and for less than six years on 1 January in the year of the application*
• Perform life science research in India, Singapore, Chile or Taiwan
• Have published at least one last author paper in an international peer-reviewed journal from work carried out in their laboratory
*Extended eligibility period for candidates with children or under exceptional circumstances may apply
What are the benefits for EMBO Global Investigators?
Funds are available for EMBO Global Investigators for:
• Visiting laboratories in Europe to give a scientific seminar or to plan or continue a collaboration
• Training in research leadership and management skills through EMBO Lab Leadership Courses
• Inviting other EMBO Global Investigators, EMBO Members or current EMBO Young Investigators to give a scientific lecture at their institute
• Organising joint group meetings with other laboratories
• Attending or organising regional or international scientific meetings
• Attending the biennial EMBO Global Investigator Network meeting with EMBO Members and EMBO Young Investigators
• A lab retreat
• Plus further benefits: mentorship by an EMBO Member, research integrity training and access to childcare support when attending conferences
Application deadline: 1 June 2019
View details and apply online: https://www.embo.org/